
Wednesday, December 26

Hot Apple Pie

So yesterday was Christmas and I was one sick Mommy. I was so sick that I had spent most of the day in bed; I felt so bad for the kids. I had planned on waking up before the kids and make these cute little apple pies for breakfast. Feeling almost 100% better this morning, I made them today. One of the easiest recipes I have found on Pinterest. Have a mentioned how much I <3 Pinterest!

One Can of Apple Pie Filling
Two Packages of Pilsbury Crescent Rolls
Cinnamon and Sugar

One Scoop of Apple Pie Filling in a Crescent Roll, roll it up then sprinkle cinnamon and sugar and bake according to the package.

Friday, November 9

Little Bitty's Book Shelf: Am I Messing up My Kids?

Who are these kids that 

are calling me Mom?

Being a mom is tough. Between working outside of the home, keeping track of all the kids sports/clubs schedule, homework, dinner, housework, all while keeping my sanity. Having a balance life helps.

Every Thursday night, I have the pleasure of meeting with a handful of moms from church. We enjoy our time of eating dinner, fellowship, and discussion on the book we are reading, most of the time it is just fellowship. I take advantage of this time to connect with other moms, to vent, to seek advice and to encourage one another.

Thursday, November 1

I am thankful for...

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Colossians 4:2

Throughout the month of November Facebook users will post 30 days of thankfulness. Each day of November, they will post something that they are thankful for on each day. Why do most wait until November to count their blessings? We receive blessing every day. They might be the little things like, your 14 year old daughter giving you hug and says "I Love You, Mommy". They might even be unexpected, getting help with an utility bill you were not sure if you are going to be able to pay. In one way or another, they are blessings.

I guess my challenge to you and to myself, would be to carry on after the month of November. I don't mean just with posting something on Facebook, but through your actions, words, and thoughts.

30 Days of Thankfulness...I am thankful for
1. My Facebook Friends and Family (who reminded me that today is Nov 1st)
2. Jesus Christ, who died for my sins because I have too many to count
3. My God, who answers my prayers and provides my needs
4. My husband, who stands by my side with my decisions I make regardless how dumb they are
5. Victoria, who will step up when she sees a need
6. Billy, who has a big heart
7. Kristina, who brings excitement in my life, not a dual moment with this child
8. Sammy, who still loves to cuddle in my bed with me
9. My Parents, who raised me, I would not be the person I am today if I did not have both of them in my life (Kris you are part of this too, you have helped me grow during my adult life)
10. My Grandmother, who never stops praying for me
11. My sister, who I might not talk to everyday, but I know she is always there for me
12. My two Favorite Aunts, Pam and Barbara, who encourage me
13. My cousin Samantha, who has helped inspired my creative bone in my body
14. My Church Family, who I love, all of you
15. The Holy Bible, the word of God, my road map, my manual for life
16. My Two Walking Buddies, Brandy and Beth, we might not walk all the time, but we always pick back up where we left off
17. My Moms' Group, I look forward to Thursday Night meetings, encouraging one another, laughing (with and at each other), just a night with other moms
18. My Community Groups, reaching people by showing God's Love
19. My Freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms
20. (With that freedom, there is a cost) The men and women that (have) serve(d) our country, without them there is no freedom
21. Roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, hot shower, and a hearty breakfast to start my day
22. New Hope Fusion Service, where I can worship my God with other Christians
23. My truck, to get me back and forth to where I need to go
24. My Job, with so many out work, I am thankful I have a job to go to everyday
25. My Health, I might not be a size 5, or run a marathon, but I am healthy
26. The time I have with my family, because the kids won't always live at home
27. The stress in my life, it pushes me (the good stress)
28. The little things in my everyday life, watching the sun come up while drinking my coffee, making dinner for my family, helping my kids with homework
29. Pinterest, where I can feed my creative mind
30. And You, reading my post, and pray that I have encouraged you this month to count your blessings everyday

Thursday, February 23

And the journey begins...

It is better late than never. After some soul searching and some outside influence, I have put together a 40 before 40 list; 40 things I want to do before my 40th birthday. I feel that things on this list will help me be a better person, body, mind, and soul. I have broken done into five different categories: learning, giving back, fitness, travel and just for me.


  1. read the Bible all the way through
  2. read 100 books
  3. graduate from college (Associates degree August 2010)
  4. learn to play the piano
  5. re-learn to play the saxophone
  6. take a dance class
  7. take a flying lesson
  8. take an art or creative writing or photography class

Giving Back
  1. go on a mission trip within the US (completed June 6th-8th, 2013, Camp LRCA Crown Point, In.)
  2. go on a mission trip outside of US
  3. lead a bible study group (Moms Group, 10-17-13)
  4. volunteer on a major holiday
  5. volunteer on my birthday
  6. donate to locks of love (completed on 3-15-13, 15 inches, sent to Pantee instead)
  7. coach a youth sport (that my kids are not on) (RHJPCheer, Red Squad, July - Oct 2013)
  8. mentor a student (my students in Driven, Fall 2013)

  1. loose 60 pounds
  2. get in the best shape of my life
  3. run a 5k (completed on 4-26-13, with Sammy and Cassie, 44:09)
  4. run a 10 min mile
  5. complete a woman triathlete
  6. influence my husband to become healthier
  7. go to a water park and not feel self conscious
  8. look good in a little black dress

  1. go camping in a national/state park
  2. take family to Hoilday World
  3. visit a winery
  4. visit Mt Rushmore
  5. visit Yosemite
  6. re-visit the Grand Canyon
  7. see a Broadway show
  8. stay at a Bed n Breakfast

Just for ME
  1. get a manicure/pedicure (Manicure 4-3-14)
  2. go out to the middle of nowhere and watch a metro shower (completed 08-11-12 watched with my Son)
  3. kiss on the big screen at a game
  4. kiss in the rain
  5. purchase a home
  6. pay off credit cards/past bills
  7. get a job I love (completed 11-14-12, the new Lead Expert over Div 8 @ JCP)
  8. write a letter to myself and open it on my 40th birthday (completed letter on 10-17-12)
Little Bitty